Thank you for a great Photonis West 2024!
Thank you for making this year’s Photonics West so special by visiting us in our cozy living room booth.😊
🤩Thanks for stopping by to get a general overview!
🆕Thanks for showing so much interest in our new miniECL and miniTA 670 nm!
👂Thanks for listening to our talks at the conference!
❓Thanks for sharing your technical requirements with us!
🤝But above all: Thank you for your trust, for all the great moments, the laughs, the competitive foosball games – we can‘t wait to repeat this!
You can find further information including all datasheets on our miniECL and miniTA family here: miniECL and miniTA.
Would you like to get all flyers, brochures or our EAGLEYARD newspaper digitally? Feel free to download them here or forward them to a colleague.
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It has never been that easy to find the ideal laser diode for your requirements: Simply use our dynamic product finder, select relevant criteria and get the ideal product matches.
We can’t wait to talk to you in more detail soon!