SQALE: Advancing scalable quantum technology

By putting innovation first, we focus on transforming research-based know-how into market-ready products with a special focus on highly integrated components – thus being said we’re very happy to announce that we’re part of the new SQALE research project funded by the European Union. The SQALE project is pushing the boundaries of quantum communication and photonic quantum computing by developing a scalable nanophotonic platform. At its core, semiconductor quantum dots embedded in photonic waveguides—excited via integrated microlasers—will enable reliable single-photon generation. To ensure practical applicability, a fiber-coupled SQALE module will be integrated into a compact, user-friendly cryocooler. At TOPTICA EAGLEYARD, we are tackling the challenge of integrating quantum components into a stable, fiber-coupled platform. Our goal: precise positioning of semiconductor heterostructures while ensuring reliable electrical contacts and long-term stability across extreme temperature ranges. A key focus is optimizing assembly and connection technology for room-temperature processing while maintaining full functionality at cryogenic conditions. Scalable integration has been a game-changer in classical computing—and it will be just as crucial for next-generation quantum technologies. We are excited to contribute to this breakthrough and are looking forward to collaborate with our project partners TU Berlin and JCMwave. |