Optical Isolators And Sockets
For optical isolators we like to make you aware of the products of our parent company TOPTICA PHOTONICS.
TOPTICA isolators ensure stability of TOPTICA’s narrow linewidth, long coherence length lasers, and they can protect Watt-class lasers and amplifiers from damaging back reflections. TOPTICA can also offer custom form factors and wavelengths.
Key Features:
Visit TOPTICA’S website for more information or contact sales@toptica.com.
We can recommend sensor sockets offered by Andon Electronics Corporation who has over 45 years experience in high-rel socket manufacturing.
Sockets are recommended to avoid
Andon also provide heat sink sockets to reduce heat and noise. Detailed information can be found here.
If you have any questions about sockets or optical isolators for TOPICA EAGLEYARD laser diodes, please don’t hesitate to contact us!