Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a non-contact, non-destructive way to detect molecules and to investigate chemical bondings and intramolecule bonds.
It’s a light scattering technique whereby a molecule scatters light from a high intensity laser light source. Most of the scattered light is of the same frequency as the laser light, but a very small amount is scattered in different wavelengths thus making it possible to identify chemicals as they all have their own spectral fingerprint. The so-called Stokes shift (downshift) and Anti-Stokes shift (upshift) is characteristic for the material since it is given by the specific rotation and vibration of the investigated molecules. Raman spectroscopy is used in various fields, from airport security, research (esp. in the medical area for the identification of pathogens, blood disorders, cancer) and for material inspection e.g. in the pharmaceutical industry or for incoming goods.
In order to make Raman spectroscopy work, a small linewidth is needed at high power since you need to be able to identify and analyze the scattered light in a different wavelength than the laser has itself.
We recommend our single frequency lasers especially the 785 nm DFB lasers with up to 100 mW output power and our µMOPA at 1064 nm with 2 W. Depending on customer needs, free beam or fiber coupling can be chosen in different packages types.
Our Products For Raman Spectroscopy
Operational Mode
Results sorted by Wavelength:
Wavelength: 785 nm
Power: 40 mW
DFB laser diodeDFB laser diode
Wavelength: 785 nm
Power: 40 mW
DFB laser diodeDFB laser diode
Wavelength: 785 nm
Power: 100 mW
DFB laser diodeDFB laser diode
Wavelength: 1064 nm
Power: 40 mW
DFB laser diodeDFB laser diode
Wavelength: 1064 nm
Power: 80 mW
DFB laser diodeDFB laser diode
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