Pyro techniques are a widely used technology in the space and aerospace industry. They fulfill various tasks, such as multiple rocket stage separation or booster engine ignition procedures onboard launchers like the European ARIANE or satellites as well (LEO/GEO). Still very common are approaches based on electro-pyro and pyro lines.But these systems are very demanding in terms of safety and handling , especially during ground integration. Due to a lack of galvanic separation the threat of unwanted ignition must be counter tackled with multiple safety barriers. To overcome these drawbacks new optopyro solutions have been developed.
Such systems consist of a laser source, a safety barrier, an optical harness for distribution and finally an optical detonator to trigger the pyro functions.
Semiconductor laser diodes are ideally suited to generate the necessary high energy laser pulses for the detonators. Predominantly multimode laser diodes combine the required peak power levels of 10 to 20W in the ms pulse regime with a very compact form factor. Furthermore, the performance must be ensured at extreme vibrational and temperature operating conditions characteristical for launch and orbiting. This is what our hermetically packages like the miniFlatpack but also the TO-versions are designed for, no matter whether 808nm or 9xxnm is your wavelength preference.
Our Products For Optopyro
Operational Mode
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Wavelength: 980 nm
Power: 8 W
BAL laser diodeBAL laser diode
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